Tag Archives: Russian state development corporation

Selenginsky pulp and paper mill eyes to become leading paper and cardboard producer in Russian Siberia

Selenginsky pulp and paper mill (SCCC), one of Russia’s largest paper mills, located in Buryatia Republic will be modernized with the cost of the project more than RUB2 billion (US$26 million), according to press service of the government of the republic. The main purpose of the planned modernization is to improve the quality of finished […]

Russian pulp production remains stable in 2021

The volume of industrial production of wood pulp and pulp from other fibrous materials in Russia in 2021 amounted to 8.8 million tons, which is 0.7% more than a year earlier, according to recent data, published by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).   For the reporting period, the production of paper and cardboard […]

Russia to Fully Ban Single-Use Plastic Products By 2024

Russia plans to ban the use of disposable plastics by 2024, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Alexander Kozlov said . Banned goods would include disposable plastic straws, plates, glasses, lids and appliances; coffee capsules; cotton swabs; opaque and colored PET (thermoplastic polyester) bottles; boxes and packs for tobacco products; blister packaging (except for medicines); egg cartons; […]

Russia may face with new paper shortage due to possible lockdown

Russia may face with a new wave of a sharp growth of prices for paper and products on its basis, due to a significant deterioration of the current situation with COVID-19 in the country, according to recent statements, made by some leading domestic producers and local media reports. According to analysts, the ever growing number […]

Russia to create conditions for more active waste paper processing in domestic market

Russia has achieved big success in regard of waste paper recycling in recent years, according to recent statements, made by representatives of some leading local waste paper recyclers and processors as well as local media reports. According to data of analysts of the Russian Expert business paper, over the last 20 years the volume of […]

Russia’s finance corporation VEB.RF to establish one of largest pulp facilities in the country

VEB.RF, a Russian state development corporation and one of the largest investment companies in the country, will launch one of the largest pulp productions in Russia at the capacities of its Kraslesinvest enterprise. The new production will be commissioned on the basis of already existing timber processing complex of the company in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. […]