Tag Archives: WasteExpo

Scrap paper and plastic markets hit by confluence of forces

Supply and demand realities for key curbside materials are evolving fast, impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, domestic processing capacity increases, and other key trends, according to two experts. Bill Moore of Moore & Associates and Stephanie Baker of KW Plastics last week described the factors impacting recycled material end markets. They spoke during a session […]

The recycling roller coaster

recycling truck

Municipal recycling has been on a bit of a roller coaster ride in recent years with changing material streams, changing commodity values, and changing end markets. During the WasteExpo Together Online Conference Sept. 14, several recycling industry stakeholders discussed some of the challenges and opportunities the industry has been experiencing in 2020 during a session titled […]

Domestic markets more critical for recovered paper, plastics

China’s scrap import regulations have made domestic markets for recovered paper and plastic more important in recent years, and more capacity is coming online to consume this material, according to speakers during the WasteExpo Together Online session titled, “Commodities Updates: Fiber, Plastic & COVID-19.” Recovered paper “Exports are becoming less important for U.S. recovered paper, […]